Lois LaFond is a singer and a songwriter, a producer and event maker, a Mom and a Grandmother, a dedicated volunteer and, very much, a teacher.  

World Music for Kids and Their Families
For over 25 years, Lois LaFond & The Rockadiles made original award-winning, nationally-acclaimed Music for Children and their Families.

2019 Service project in Haiti
Lois believes that volunteering is the way she can impact change around the world. Click here to learn about her exciting projects.


LOIS SAYS: "At this moment in time I'm concerned that our country appears to disagree on the most basic of human values:  love is better than hate; compassion is worthier than meanness; a peaceful strategy is more desirable than aggression. Those of us who do feel that love, compassion and peace are core positive beliefs have a huge amount of work to do... for our Children and in service of struggling communities around the world.   So, I make Music for Kids and try to Volunteer wherever I can."